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Sie sind schon drin - im Zukunftsmarkt Nano - und wollen weiter? Dann sind Sie hier genau richtig: Willkommen im nano4women-Netzwerk [Anmeldung]

Welcome to nano4women!

Edelgard Bulmahn, Federal Minister of Education and Research and Nano4women Patroness

Edelgard Bulmahn Nanotechnology is recognized as one of the most important future technologies world-wide. The advance of mankind into the Nano-cosmos provides us an insight into what makes the world stick together to the marrow. Breaking into the world of the utmost elementary components is a challenge, which will open up ever new, ever further fascinating possibilities for new products and new markets.

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research recognized the significance of Nanotechnology at an early stage and supports it intensively: Germany is presently the leader in the field of Nanotechnologies in Europe. Products developed by the help of Nanotechnology surround us even today: Whether the hard discs in our computer, sun protection lotion with a high UV factor or the dirt resistant surface of our shower cubicle.
In addition, Nanotechnology supports medical science, for example in fighting cancer or in the search for selectively acting pharmaceutical products.

However we have to worry about the lack of qualified experts also in this field. Especially the proportion of young women in the field of study, research and industrial professions of Nanotechnology is far too small: Only 22% of the students are female, the proportion of female scientists in Germany is only 15%.

We wish to make use of the event “nano4girls” and “nano4women” to engage young women in close dialogue with science, industry and commerce to inspire them by the help of the fascinating secrets of the Nano-universe and inspire them for future professions in the attractive and innovative future market of the world of the very small with the big future.

We wish you every enjoyment with this!